Ohio Flame will be honoring a United States Veteran this Veterans Day with a customized Liberty Fire Pit. Enter your Veteran by telling us why they are special to you or how they have served our Country. Submissions can be emailed to “veterans@ohioflame.com” or posted to our Facebook Page.
Contest Rules: Only one submission per Veteran. Submissions can be emailed to “veterans@ohioflame.com” or posted on the Ohio Flame Facebook Page. Veteran’s full name, picture and branch served must be provided in order for submission to be valid. Winner will be selected on November 6, 2020 based on best submission and will be notified by email or via Facebook. In the event that the winner cannot be notified or does not respond within 24 hours, another winner will be chosen. Veteran fraud or falsified submissions will not be tolerated.
Summer evening fun can be enhanced with the simple addition of an outdoor firepit. A standard get together with family and friends can be a memorable event that is talked about long after. However, remaining safe during those activities is paramount, so read on to learn how to properly and effectively enjoy an outdoor fire pit.